John Wilson

John Wilson

I had respiratory problems from birth culminating in asthma at the age of 15. During the following
40 years I tried many orthodox and alternative remedies without any success in stopping the increasing morbidity associated with this illness.
I then heard about a breathing technique from the Ukraine.

Since learning the Buteyko method in 1993 and practicing what is now known as the Buteyko Based Breathing Therapy regularly, my asthma and mild COPD symptoms have all but disappeared and my lung function has improved without medications.

My studies of Rudolf Steiner led me to combine his indications on breathing with Dr Buteyko’s work.

I have taught in three Randomised Controlled asthma trials of the Buteyko Breathing method. In the teaching of 2 randomized controlled asthma trials in Germany over the last 12 years, my wife Jocelyn and I have had the support of ARCIM (Academic Research in Complementary and Integrative Medicine) at the Filderklinik and the Filderklinik Hospital itself. I am training staff at the Filderklinik with this Therapy and it seemed natural to offer my services to the Board of the Anthroposophical Medical movement in Australia in whatever way may open up.